Former Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy didn’t hold back during his appearance on “The Ingraham Angle,” where he scrutinized Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democratic...
In a highly anticipated move, President Joe Biden has announced the end of his bid for a second term in the White House. This decision follows...
Each party has its own method of picking a nominee. The Republican Party holds caucuses and primaries, and then gives its nomination to the candidate who...
As reported by Fox News, the gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Trump on Saturday was identified as suspicious by law enforcement more than an...
The Biden Administration is already stonewalling the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into the Trump assassination attempt. This is as predictable as the next Biden brain freeze....
Senator Bob Menendez has been found guilty in his federal corruption trial. The trial, which captivated the nation, involved allegations that the New Jersey Democrat had...
In an exclusive first interview since the shocking attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life last Saturday, Eric Trump sat down with Laura Ingraham to discuss...
In a move that aligns perfectly with his MAGA vision, former President Donald Trump has selected Senator JD Vance as his running mate for the 2024...
In a major legal victory for former President Donald Trump, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon has dismissed the classified documents case against him. The judge ruled...
Butler County Sheriff Michael T. Slupe revealed that a local police officer saw the gunman just before he fired at a Donald Trump rally on Saturday...