On a recent segment of The Ingraham Angle, actor and outspoken conservative James Woods detailed his experience during the devastating California wildfires. Known for his passionate...
On January 7, 2025, wildfires rapidly spread across Southern California, forcing thousands of residents to evacuate as flames engulfed the Pacific Palisades area. The situation escalated...
Missouri Senator Josh Hawley joined ‘The Ingraham Angle’ to discuss the failures of the Biden administration and the path forward under Donald Trump’s presidency. Reflecting on...
On a recent segment of ‘The Ingraham Angle,’ Sheila Gunn Reid, editor-in-chief of Rebel News, discussed Pierre Poilievre’s rising popularity and the weakening state of Canada’s...
Joel Pollack, Senior Editor at Breitbart News, and Dr. Hooman Hemmati, a board-certified doctor and Ph.D. scientist, joined ‘The Ingraham Angle’ recently to discuss possible causes...
On The Ingraham Angle, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy delivered a stark warning about America’s growing debt crisis. He described the rising national debt as “the...
In a fiery exchange on last night’s episode of The Ingraham Angle, Chicago resident Vashon Tuncle didn’t hold back as he addressed the dire state of...
Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky joined Laura on The Ingraham Angle to discuss federal inefficiencies, budget reform, and the challenges of reducing government waste. He outlined...
On last night’s The Angle, Laura delivered a powerful monologue about the devastating impact of the porn industry on America’s children and families. This $100 billion...
In a recent segment of The Ingraham Angle, Stephen Miller, President Trump’s future deputy chief of staff for policy, described a bold vision for immigration reform....