Comedian Jimmy Failla recently joined ‘The Ingraham Angle,’ to discuss topics ranging from military leadership to border security. Laura began by commenting on a Senate hearing...
In a recent segment on The Ingraham Angle, Rep. Cory Mills and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Elbridge Colby shared their thoughts on improving the...
On a recent episode of ‘The Ingraham Angle,” Missouri Senator Josh Hawley shared his views on a proposed bill that would require women to register for...
Laura invited author Pete Hegseth to discuss the implications of left-wing idealism creeping into American life and the military. “Exactly what would our tax dollars and...
In a recent segment of “The Ingraham Angle,” Laura Ingraham focused on the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, attributing the blame to the Biden administration and former...
Watch the latest video at Fox News host Laura Ingraham discussed growing distrust in the military due to the Biden administration and woke influence on...