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2024 Election

Laura: Nikki Haley is prolonging the obvious



On January 21, 2024, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ended his bid for the White House just before Donald Trump’s victory in the New Hampshire primary. 

In an exit video, the former candidate clarified where his support lies, saying: “It’s clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance… He has my endorsement because we can’t go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear, a repackaged form of warmed-over corporatism that Nikki Haley represents.”

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On ‘The Angle,’ Laura Ingraham called DeSantis’ decision “good news for the populist movement and for the country.” She applauded the Florida Governor’s declaration of support for Trump and even alluded to a bright future for DeSantis. 

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“The Angle has always had great respect for how DeSantis has led Florida thanks to his policies,” Ingraham said. “It’s now a solidly red state and it’s growing like gangbusters. We all know that narrative. He’s built a strong multicultural coalition there that I think represents the future of the Republican Party.”

However, Ingraham didn’t hold back on her thoughts on the former governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley. 

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“For some reason, Haley thinks that the right way to attract working-class Republicans and independents is to Wall Street,” Ingraham explained. 

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“The Hill is reporting that billionaire Stanley Druckenmiller, Henry Kravis, Ken Langone, and Cliff Acenas are reportedly planning a fundraiser for Haley a big one on January 30th.”

Ingraham added: “In this climate, where the winning message is closer to power to the people, she’s veering toward power to the plutocrats. It’s not smart at all for either the billionaires or Governor Haley. They might as well light their money on fire at this point.”

On ‘The Angle’ Igraham goes on to explain that Trump’s greatest power is voter loyalty – “Trump won because the Republican base was never going to abandon him,” she said. 

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“The country has a clear choice in 2024. It’s either Trump or Biden. And going forward, we sincerely hope that Governor Haley will reject the support of those who just want to use her to help Biden and join the rest of us. We’re a lot more fun because we’re backing President Trump,” Ingraham concluded. 

“But whatever she does. President Trump and his movement are one step closer to the greatest political comeback of all time.”

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