Nashville Police Department is investigating an explosion tied to a vehicle near 2nd Ave North, in downtown Nashville. “Law enforcement is closing downtown streets as the...
“In 2014, you joined the Burisma board and we still need to amend your 2014 returns to reflect the unreported Burisma income,” Eric Scherwin a former president...
“The Supreme Court really let us down. No Wisdom, No Courage!” tweeted President Trump hours after the Supreme Court of the United States rejected to hear...
“This lawsuit is important to the integrity of our elections and the future of our country, and particularly to protect the vote of Arkansans,” said Arkansas...
“Indoor dining will close in New York City starting Monday,” said Gov. Cuomo on Friday. He blamed the “rising inflation rate and NYC’s density” for the...
For months, we’ve warned you about the looming red menace, China, and how a Biden administration would strengthen the CCP hand both here and abroad. Now,...
“I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax...
“With things still in limbo in the presidential race, many of us haven’t taken the time or really had the energy to contemplate the balance of power in Congress,” said Laura...
Watch the latest video at “If that poll is anywhere near accurate, the president would have a hard time closing that gap with women but he could narrow...
Watch the latest video at It’s been another embarrassing month for our nation’s press corps. Just a few weeks ago, remember Steve Scully of C-SPAN,...