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2024 Election

Do We Really Want to Expand the California Calamity?



People may wonder, why are so many Establishment types, including mega-billionaires, aligning with the Hard Left to prop up Kamala Harris?

It’s simple. In a desperate effort to save itself, and keep the working people in line, the Establishment had no other choice. This alliance isn’t a new phenomenon — it’s been in place for a long time in California. It means higher taxes that crush the middle class without harming the super rich. It means extreme regulations that Big Business can afford to comply with but small businesses cannot. It means higher gas prices that hurt working people but don’t bother the Super Rich. It means more crime, which the super rich avoid with their own security details. It means terrible public schools that rich kids do not attend. It means unlimited immigration to drive down wages, thus making it easier for rich people to hire cheap labor. It means more offshoring, which has the same effect. It means a never-ending culture war in which Christians will be driven from public life.

In effect, what happened in California — and what Harris intends to do across the whole country — is that the Hard Left is willing to help the Super Rich get even richer, so long as the Rich let the Hard Left torture the middle class. Voters in the rest of the country have to beat Harris unless they want to see the entire country end up like California.

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