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2024 Election

Laura Exposes the ‘Bloodbath Hoax’ and Biden’s Failing Narrative



In her latest segment on “The Ingraham Angle,” Laura tackled what she termed the “bogus blood bath story,” shedding light on the Democrats’ attempt to divert attention from President Joe Biden‘s series of misfortunes. Laura pointed out that Biden’s recent speech failed to improve his poll numbers and that his choice of comfortable sneakers seems to highlight concerns about his physical stability.

Laura criticized the left’s interpretation of the word “bloodbath” in the political discourse, suggesting that it is being used to falsely imply that former President Donald Trump is endorsing political violence. She argued that such interpretations are preposterous and that Trump’s actual focus was on economic issues, particularly the threat posed by China’s automotive industry to U.S. companies.

Ingraham highlighted the pattern of deceit used by the left: starting with a distortion or lie, usually about Trump or another conservative figure, which is then amplified by the media and repeated as truth. Laura praised the role of citizen journalists and platforms like X (formerly Twitter) in providing real-time fact-checking, which has diminished the power of the corporate press to control the narrative.

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Laura also took aim at what she sees as “pro-Biden hoaxes,” particularly the narrative that Biden is eager to campaign and is being held back by his staff. She dismissed these stories as attempts by Biden’s team to portray him as fit and ready for the campaign trail, despite evidence to the contrary.

Concluding her segment, Laura warned that the “bloodbath hoax” is just a preview of what to expect in the lead-up to the November elections. She vowed to continue calling out the media and the left for their dishonest tactics, emphasizing that there will be no bloodbath, but rather a reckoning for those selling these hoaxes.

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