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2024 Election

Laura: Democrats Deflect, Blame Voters After Trump Gains Ground



In last night’s episode of The Ingraham Angle, Laura tackled the Democrats’ response to Tuesday’s election results. She highlighted their focus on blame-shifting rather than reflecting on their own policies. Despite Trump’s historic gains across key demographics, Democrats seem intent on pointing fingers rather than understanding why they lost ground.

Laura analyzed the media’s portrayal of Kamala Harris in the campaign’s final days. Harris appeared “confident, calm, and presidential,” with the narrative framing her as the candidate with momentum. She kept her speeches short—often under 15 minutes—and avoided mentioning Trump. Democrats aimed to demoralize Trump supporters, but that strategy didn’t work. The results didn’t match their expectations, and now they’re scrambling for explanations.

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The numbers, Laura noted, tell a different story. Trump broke GOP records across the board. His support among 18- to 29-year-olds was the strongest in two decades. His backing from Black voters was the highest in nearly 50 years. Among Hispanic voters, he set an all-time record. But rather than understanding these shifts, Democratic leaders chose to blame voters, implying they were misled or making poor choices.

Some Democrats even showed disdain for Latino voters, implying they would “own everything” that happens under Trump. Laura observed that if Republicans made such remarks about Democrat-aligned groups, outrage would follow.

Another point Laura highlighted was the Democrats’ fixation on “misinformation.” When results fall short, Democrats claim disinformation is at fault. Laura believes this excuse reveals a disconnect. Rather than addressing the concerns of voters, Democratic elites assume voters are simply misinformed.

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In her closing remarks, Laura emphasized that this blame-shifting shows an unwillingness to connect with the electorate. The results cracked the illusion of a stable Democratic coalition. But rather than adjusting to this reality, Democrats remain focused on blaming others. They seem unable to confront the possibility that their policies may be the real issue.
