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2020 Election

Ben Carson: America is about freedom of choice



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“The left brings everything back to identity politics,” Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson told “The Ingraham Angle.”  “The fact of the matter is, what the president is talking about here is local control, federalism. I get to visit all kinds of communities all over the country all the time. And there are beautiful mixed-income and … mixed-use complexes but it’s under local control. People have an opportunity to discuss it, to decide where they want to put things, and that’s the way the United States of America was designed.”

“The Laura Ingraham Show” podcast is back, click here to subscribe.

“We want people to be able to have a choice,” Carson added. “They can stay where they are, they can move, but let the people be the ones who make the decisions. That doesn’t mean we are backing off of civil rights. We have a strong record in civil rights.”

“It’s not what America is about. America is about freedom. It’s the reason people came here in the first place. It’s the reason it’s a destination place for people all over the world right now. People form caravans to get in here. That would not be happening if we were this horrible place that people characterize us as. It’s about freedom of choice.”

Watch the full “Ingraham Angle Show” here.

